Friday, September 17, 2010


for some reason I always thought that we are staying in Geneva for 5 days instead of 4 ... until the last day of Geneva, I realized.. wait a sec, we are checking out tomorrow?
so as an result, we have this one extra day with no hotel booked nor anything to do, so I quickly decided to visit BERN, which is the captial of Switzerland. I heard that it is a big city, but other than that, I know nothing about Bern!
and therefore ~BERN here we come :D

一早執好行李就趕去火車站開票, 我地買既係Europe Global Pass 15 days
到全何一個火車站開票後, 可以 15日內無限次任搭大部分歐洲的國鐵!

坐火車無無聊聊只好睇下風景, 原野青草感覺都很清新很童話
但個腦不停咁幻想, 如果住響度都幾大獲............ =,=

到步後, 好快搵到Hotel :) Reception 好好人咁話哂比我地聽去邊度玩
BERN 同GENEVA一樣, 市內既交通公具係完全免費任你搭!
我地先搭TRAM 去 Rose Garden

但出到街先發現少年痴呆既我又唔記得帶SD Card >< ; 唯有用住部電話頂住檔先啦哈哈...

我同June 都被BERN 靚到嚇親! 尤其事出突然完全無做Research
完全無 expectation 的時候, 總係最 Surprise !!
BERN 一樣分為新鎮 & 舊鎮, 一樣可以徒步行完成個TOWN
舊鎮被 U 形的冰藍色河水圍住, 中間有一條古老的Aveune 貫穿

Rose Garden 可以由高處遠眺成個old town

我都好想鍚佢呀 >///<

一直向住河邊進發~ 就會發現 BEAR PARK, 亦都係免費入場

真係有熊人架, 但佢好唔領情咁無視我地拋落去既過期麵包 :(

我從來未見過咁清澈既河水, 完全無泥無雜質冰藍色的河水
仲清過泳池水, 因為天氣都幾熱既關係, 當場都有好多人跳落去
但JUNE 一路強調我無買旅遊保, 要安份守己 =,=


一路同JUNE 講: 我定左你就影啦, 而家影相興唔望鏡頭架, 咁先有FEEL :X

真係河水??? 我覺得可以就咁飲, 純天然礦泉水

我將我唔望鏡頭Technique 傳受左比小June June
天生聰敏既佢一學就識, 成果有目共睹

過完橋到 old-town, 決定問路啦! Bern 既locals 好好人, 好有耐性!
但唔知點解我既focus 係佢羅支Mont Blanc支筆出黎
然後佢唔想畫花我張免費地圖, 再羅把 victorinox army knife 出黎

果然係瑞士人 :X

行到去BERN 既大街個肚已經餓到打哂鼓, 但個胃只可以容納一餐飯

最後簡左一間靜靜地, 又坐得舒服既餐廳
去到歐洲你會明白到點解鬼佬咁鍾意坐出街? 個原因好簡單


食完發現瑞士唔只得芝士鍋, 原來好多野都好好食架 >///< 我好叻咁食哂成碟野, 而JUNE 就食淨D mini 薯仔.. 佢好堅持要打包 如果響美國你食淨幾個薯仔話要打包, 係一件好奇怪既事 但感覺上響歐洲又Okay wor (其實可能係因為遊客覺得做乜都okay XD) instead of to go box, 個waitress 比一張foilpaper 我地wrap 我真係覺得咁做好環保, 又唔會浪費一個膠盒, re-heat 時可以直接用OVEN! 食飽飽繼續遊街,

JUNE 逼我影底BERN 既坑渠水有幾咁乾淨 =,=

to be continue....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Red Buses

after arrival, very soon I realized a Shocking Fact of Europe
There ain't Air Condition !! (yes I'm that ignorance)
I mean, I love how the way they conserve the energy and go green
but ............................ is so fucking Hot!!!

then I was surprised how everything in England resembles Hong Kong!
The Street Light, Traffic Light, Safety Island, Mail box, Bus......
Awww :) I love this place!

I was knocked out the first night in England..
but in the middle of the night, someone knocked on my door..
and so we started doing my favorite thing to do

Mah-Jong ! 打牌!

a couple of days had devoted to Mah-Jong, until June was arrived
we took a train to London on June's Birthday

The Great British Museum..
See what they have stolen from other countries..

Fish & chips... tasted just like the American !

When I was watching Sherlock the series,
I can recognize most of the places!
China town, South bank, the river, the bridges.... :))))))

coming up next... Patty's Graduation @ Reading

both of her parents and friends came to Reading all the way from HongKong
Congratulations.... and welcome to the real world